Thursday, July 21, 2016

I hear that a bunch of American voters (of course that's only 40 % of us) think Secretary Clinton is not trustworthy. Well, if that were a requirement for public office, the halls of government would be empty. There are just degrees of trustworthiness. Those folks who trust D.J. Trump probably believe a used car salesperson when they tell you "this car was only driven on Sundays by a little old lady. Trust me." As far as wanting an outsider, Washington is a very difficult place to do business. You must know your way around the system. Electing an outsider President is like asking your bartender to do brain surgery. Another thing. You can't run the country like a business. That's apples and oranges. The first tenant of business is to turn a profit. Government's role is much different. How would Mr. Trumps businesses ( you know he mostly just sells his name to others to give their project an air of whatever - look it up!) do if he had to provide health care, provide police, fire protection, fund the educations, make sure food was safe, etc., etc., and etc., for his employees? Oh, one more thing. Never accept any statement given as a fact without proof. Never.