Saturday, September 18, 2010

Crazy Pills

I‘ve been watching with disbelief as the media reports we are about to hand back the keys to the bunch that nearly ran us over a cliff. What? Am I taking crazy pills? What sense does it make to reward the Republicans with a return to power because you don’t like the way the Democrats are trying to clean up the mess they made? Sure you may disagree with the present administration’s handling of this crisis, but come on, give me a break here. The Democrats inherited two totally unfunded wars, a massive debt, the loss of over 600 thousand jobs a month, and an economy on the brink of collapse. Do you really think things will get better if we go back to the policies that got us here in the first place?
If you don’t know the answer, ask a ten year old kid.

Please, please before you vote, or decide not to, do some research. Find out what’s really going on, don’t just lash out blindly. Oh, and what the heck does, “Take my country back.” mean? Exactly what country are they talking about, and did they ask me? Sounds like a bunch of folks trying to impose their lifestyle on the rest of us. Isn’t that what they’re whining about? And while I’m at it, the rest of us have freedom from religion as much as Christians have a right to freedom of religion. Right?

Just take a good look before you leap.

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