Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lower Taxes – Here’s How

Reading time 30 seconds

IT’s really simple. Over fifty per cent of Americans pay no taxes at all. None. Now a lot of those are folks who simply don’t make enough to pay taxes even when they take no exemptions and declare every dime. And a lot are folks who make plenty, but manage to keep it all. They have really smart accountants and people in high places to finesse the tax code in their favor.

The really big problem is that most U.S. corporations pay no taxes, although I guess they can afford to. They have really, really smart accountants and generously help write the tax laws affecting them, not to mention some creative accounting involving offshore banks.

Of course, BIG Oil gets billions in subsidies from the taxpayers whether they need them or not.

If the folks who can pay, but get out of paying paid, then our taxes would be lower. Right?

See, I said it was simple.