Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Democrates-The New Invertebrates

Reading time 25 seconds

I’m still waiting for change I can believe in. I became a Democrat because I believed the Republicans were too BIG BUSSINESS at the expense of the middle class.

Like most of those raised in a military household, and serving in Vietnam myself, I was a Republican. That ended with Regan. But then I was living in California when he was governor, so I had an unfair advantage. I really thought that things were going to be different with President Obama, but I guess not. And talk about being disappointed in a Democratic Senate! The Republican minority is eating their lunch and I don’t see the Dems putting up much of a fight. Of course, a bunch is up for re-election. I guess that’s more important than doing the right thing, fighting the good fight, and going down scrapping. Looks like business as usual, just trying to keep their jobs.

I keep getting requests for money from the Dems, but I just say not to bother me until they grow a backbone.