Thursday, October 28, 2010

Prostate Biopsies Can Really Hurt, but they don’t have to

Every man over 50 should absolutely, positively have a PSA done. The PSA is a blood test used to detect prostate cancer. A positive test does not necessarily mean prostate cancer, an enlarging prostate can result in a false positive, but the only way to be sure is to have a biopsy.

Now, I’ve have three of these, all negative, and the first one really hurt. So, for the other two I asked for a pain medication. The doctor wrote a prescription for two Vicodin. They made all the difference.

Don’t be afraid to ask. Pain is not character building and biting on a bullet only works in westerns.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Here's Hoping

Reading time 20 seconds

This may sound strange coming from a Democrat, but I’m kinda hoping the Republicans win the House of Representatives. Why? Because now they’d have to actually come up with a real plan to handle the massive debt they caused during the Bush years.

No longer could they kibitz from the bushes, they would now own the debt and have to come up with some real cuts the American people will tolerate. It’s a real problem because around 87 per cent of the debts are entitlements that can’t be touched, doesn’t leave them much to work with.

Let’s see how they trim what’s left by the four trillion they’d need to cut.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Tea Party You’ve Got the Right Idea, Just the Wrong Target

Reading time 20 seconds

There is little doubt the loose amalgamation of folks called the Tea Party has a lot of energy, it’s just too bad it’s misdirected. Throwing the bums out just gets you a different bunch of bums. In a revolution, one dictator is usually replaced by another, who may be worse.

The real problem in Washington isn’t the politicians; it’s the money behind them. Huge amounts of money are poured into Washington to influence politicians, who are for the most part decent Americans, who truly want to help. But, it is hard to turn down special interest money if your opponent in the next election accepts it.
If you want to bring change to Washington, Tea Party people, go after campaign finance reform.

That will be change you can believe in.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Who Needs the Middle Class?

Reading time 40 seconds

Why doesn’t the Republican Party care about the Middle Class? Because the Big Business interests they represent don’t need us.

Globalization gives Big Business access to a huge market outside the U.S. for their goods and services and cheap labor, so American Middle Class consumers and workers aren’t as important as they were.

As jobs for Americans become scarce, because more and more jobs are outsourced, Middle Class American workers will work for low wages they would never have accepted in the past. And there is little American workers can do to protect themselves, because since the Regan administration the Republican Party has worked to destroy the labor unions. Now workers are on there own and can no longer look to their unions to protect them from the predatory practices of Corporate America. So, not only can Big Business do with fewer American workers, jobs are so scarce they will work for less and less money and benefits than in the past. So, it is a win, win for the Big Business interests the Republicans represent.

The irony is that the Republican Party not only aids Corporate America, it gets the very people their policies hurt to help them do it by flat out lying about what they are really about. Brilliant!

Saturday, October 23, 2010


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was approved by about 7% of Southern Democrats, known as the Dixiecrats. From that time on into the 1990’s the South, which had once been primarily Democratic, became predominantly Republican, with many of the Dixiecrats joining the Republican Party whose Southern members had overwhelmingly opposed the Act.

Today the hard right wing of the Republican Party is dominated by Southern Republicans. Draw what conclusions you will.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Reading time 15 seconds
I just, close anyway, celebrated my 67th birthday. No, I’m not telling you this to get more prezzies, but to report a discovery I’ve made.

It happened so gradually I almost missed it. The force of gravity is increasing.

I noticed this morning as I climbed the stairs it was harder to make them than it used to be.True I had a larger coffee cup than usual, but I don’t think it enough more to make the difference.

There, you’ve been warned.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hey, Tea Party, You’re Mad at the Wrong People

Reading time 20 seconds

You’ve got a right to be mad, things are a mess. The middle class is in big trouble and things are getting worse for us. But, you’re missing the real villains in all this - BIG Business. They are the guys that control Congress. They are the guys that make the rules. They are the guys bleeding the country dry. It’s not Congress that’s sending our jobs overseas. It’s not Congress that doesn’t pay it’s taxes. If you don’t know that then you aren’t paying attention and are just a distraction behind which BIG Business can continue to hide. Wake up.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Democrates-The New Invertebrates

Reading time 25 seconds

I’m still waiting for change I can believe in. I became a Democrat because I believed the Republicans were too BIG BUSSINESS at the expense of the middle class.

Like most of those raised in a military household, and serving in Vietnam myself, I was a Republican. That ended with Regan. But then I was living in California when he was governor, so I had an unfair advantage. I really thought that things were going to be different with President Obama, but I guess not. And talk about being disappointed in a Democratic Senate! The Republican minority is eating their lunch and I don’t see the Dems putting up much of a fight. Of course, a bunch is up for re-election. I guess that’s more important than doing the right thing, fighting the good fight, and going down scrapping. Looks like business as usual, just trying to keep their jobs.

I keep getting requests for money from the Dems, but I just say not to bother me until they grow a backbone.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lower Taxes – Here’s How

Reading time 30 seconds

IT’s really simple. Over fifty per cent of Americans pay no taxes at all. None. Now a lot of those are folks who simply don’t make enough to pay taxes even when they take no exemptions and declare every dime. And a lot are folks who make plenty, but manage to keep it all. They have really smart accountants and people in high places to finesse the tax code in their favor.

The really big problem is that most U.S. corporations pay no taxes, although I guess they can afford to. They have really, really smart accountants and generously help write the tax laws affecting them, not to mention some creative accounting involving offshore banks.

Of course, BIG Oil gets billions in subsidies from the taxpayers whether they need them or not.

If the folks who can pay, but get out of paying paid, then our taxes would be lower. Right?

See, I said it was simple.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Throw the Bums Out?

Reading time 20 seconds

“Throw the bums out. I’m voting for an outsider, not one of those Washington insiders growing fat on the taxpayers.” Right.

Look, I’ve been following politics like it was the World Series for over forty years and I used to believe that too. Finally I realized that nobody who doesn’t know how Washington works stands a chance in the Congress. They get eaten alive.

Just be sure you hold whoever gets your vote accountable. Phone, write, and e-mail. They do listen. Don’t buy into the ‘throw the bums out philosophy’. Would you hire a guy to fix your car who didn’t know auto mechanics?