Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Beyond Understanding?

Reading time about 60 seconds

We’ve all heard of the Big Bang Theory of the creation of the Universe. It is the currently accepted theory as to where everything came from, an infinitesimally small point smaller than an atom, which in a fraction of a fraction of a second expanded to give birth to time and space as we understand it.

Physicists have been able to explain mathematically and with conventional physics what happened after the expansion occurred, but do not know what happened in the instant of the expansion or before it, because conventional mathematics and physics is insufficient to explain it. We do not at this time have the tools to understand what happened.

Is this because we don’t have the tools or because we don’t have the minds to understand? The human mind is the result of billions of years of evolution. All living things on Earth are. Our minds evolved to survive in environments to which it was exposed. One reason we cannot imagine infinity, although we can conceive of it, is because our minds evolved in a finite space. There are always limits to distance, quantities, etc. We evolved in a finite space not an infinite space so there would be no reason to be able to deal with infinity.

By the same token perhaps we do not have the ability to understand the physics of the big bang anymore than we can imagine infinity because we did not evolve with such physics.

To understand these unimaginable events we may have to develop an Artificial Intelligence that can interpret this strange physics in a manner our minds can understand and explain it to us in terms we can understand.

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