Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We Only Have One Environment

The Obama Department of Interior is doing a great job cleaning up that scandal riddled department, but doesn’t get high marks for doing its job.

Since President Obama picked Ken Salazar to head up Interior, they have been following the Bush administrations’ lead when it comes to protecting endangered species.

Not only has the Obama Department of Interior agreed with the previous administration when it comes to reducing protection for polar bears, now they refuse to protect some 1200 wolves in Montana and Idaho. These two states are gearing up to join Alaska in slaughtering hundreds of wolves at a time when their population has declined due to some as yet undiagnosed disease.

There is that old saying, “The more things change the more they stay the same.”

There is a lot of big money that is afraid protecting the Polar Bear will require them to do more on Climate Change and of course most ranchers don’t like wolves.

Here’s another old saying for you, ‘Money talks, trash walks.’

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