Saturday, May 30, 2009

Buggy Whips and Extinction Events

As you all know, I am a biologist to the core. I tend to look at most things in that light. Take the current political situation. Yes, I know I try really hard to not make this blog political, but sometimes...

I have been following politics with greater or lesser intensity for nearly four decades and not much really changes, but I have to admit the last three months have been fascinating. You'll notice I didn't say awesome. The Grand Canyon and things like that are awesome. But that's another subject. Watching the Republican party lately is really one of those things you get to see once in a lifetime.

If the radical right does not stop making buggy whips in the age of the automobile they will soon be out of business. Another analogy I can think of that works here is evolution. I know a lot of the real in crowd at the GOP doesn't believe in that Law, but I do and will use it. Creatures become extinct when their environment changes and they are unable to adapt to that change.

If the right wing leaders of what is left of the Grand Old Party are not able to adapt to the changing political and social environment or learn to make tires instead of buggy whips, then it's bye bye forever. The Republicans will eventually recover, but without them.

I wonder if they'll be missed?

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