Saturday, May 2, 2009

One Hand Clapping?

I got to wondering about Buddhism, so I got a book . I was surprised to learn it's called “The Way” by many, not an –ism.

The Way as originally taught and practiced has absolutely nothing to do with religion. We humans just love to religify things. A lot of The Way is about paying attention to what's going on right now, not what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow.

I realized I spent a lot of time thinking about the past---and doing a lot of cringing---or worrying about the future and worrying. I was not paying attention to the now which is where I am and all I can really do anything about.

I have to admit I have a lot of trouble staying in the present. It's like driving a car. The past's in my rear view mirror, the future's out the windshield. In real life I see a lot of things through the windshield which never happens and a lot of what I don't see does. When I pass it and see it in my rear view there's nothing I can do about it.

The hard part is the present, closing my eyes, neither looking through the windshield nor the rear view mirror. Sort of like the suicidal practice of texting while driving. Sooner or later I just have to look up to see what's coming and before I know it I'm taking a peek at my rear view mirror.

Of course, in real life I need to learn from the past and prepare for the future. I just have to be sure I'm not dwelling on things I can no longer do anything about or imagining things that probably won't happen.

Paying attention is a lot harder than I thought.

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