Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Piano and Target Practice

Three years ago I decided to learn to play a musical instrument. Now, this sounds like a harmless enough enterprise, but that depends on whether or not one has any musical talent. I am marginal at best.

For the last couple of years I’ve mentored elementary school kids, probably because I miss my grandkids who live in other states, and they were learning to play the Recorder flute. It seemed pretty simple so I bought one for $1.99, a couple of easy books and set out with high hopes and great expectations. But, for some reason my high notes sounded like I stepped on a mouse, so I bought a more expensive flute ($14.95!), but the mouse squeaks were still there. It wasn’t the flute.

Playing my squeaky flute did force me to learn to read music, after a fashion. You know it’s not really that hard. Since I had little success playing those pesky high notes I thought I would simplify things by getting a keyboard. I got a nice Yamaha for $99 including stand and power supply.

I had been told that keyboard playing is really just target practice so I figured I had it made. If I hit the right key, I played the right note. No squeaking here. And the neat part is I had a choice of over a hundred different instruments if I got tired of the piano.

What I didn’t realize is you get to use both hands. Now that sounded OK, until I tried it. You’ve got two hands playing different combinations of notes at the same time, arghhh. I have trouble brushing my teeth with my left hand. But, it’s still fun playing if you only use your right hand. After all the melody is played with the right hand and that’s the part you tap your foot to.

What made things easier is my realization that I won’t live long enough to learn to play classical stuff. So, by limiting myself to pop music and only trying to have fun, I have a fighting chance.

But still, how hard do you think the guitar would be?

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