Friday, May 15, 2009

Pets Keep Those Ducks in a Row

I was sitting here working on this blog when my cat walked in and just like that I decided to change the subject.

In a world that keeps throwing you knuckle balls, where no matter how hard you try your ducks won't stay in line and at times you think the universe is conspiring to destroy you, it's nice to have a friend. Not just any friend, but a really special friend who no matter what's going on or how well or badly you're dealing with life's surprises just hangs in there steady and constant as the North Star guiding you to more tranquil waters. ( Whoa, where're that come from??!!)

Anyway, a pet is that special friend. Always there, always constant, always a friend, never too busy to cheer us up.

Thanks for being a friend, buddy.

Oh right, I need to clean your litter box.

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