Monday, May 18, 2009

Patriot Confusion

Patriotone who loves his or her country and supports its authority or interests, Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition.

I am third generation military. I was even stupid enough to volunteer for Vietnam. Not one of the dumbest things I've ever done, but definitely in the top ten. Now, a lot of people would think that qualifies me as a patriot-by their definition.

Unfortunately, a lot of folks are a bit confused as to what a patriot is. Being a patriot to them is agreeing with them as to what they think a patriot is.

To me loving and supporting your country is being willing to actually do something not just pay lip service to supporting the troops or a particular political party. And that doing something includes having the courage to tell your country when you thing she is wrong. Just as we would tell a friend or child when we believe they are wrong, we should all have the courage to disagree with government policy, when after careful consideration of the facts, we believe it's going down the wrong path.

Patriotism is more than saying you support the troops while driving around in a vehicle guzzling gas, refined from Mid East oil, with American flags sticking out the windows.

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